What Foods To Avoid If You Have Eczema?

Living with eczema can be a challenging experience, as you constantly have to navigate through flare-ups and manage the symptoms. One crucial aspect of managing this skin condition involves understanding what foods to avoid. Certain foods can trigger eczema flare-ups and worsen symptoms, so it’s essential to be mindful of your diet. In this article, we will explore some of the common foods that individuals with eczema should avoid to alleviate their symptoms and enhance their overall well-being.

Dairy Products


Dairy products are a common trigger for eczema flare-ups, particularly milk. Milk contains lactose, which some people with eczema may have difficulty digesting. When lactose is not properly broken down in the body, it can lead to inflammation and skin irritation. If you have eczema, it is recommended to avoid consuming milk and milk-based products.


Cheese is another dairy product that may exacerbate eczema symptoms. Like milk, cheese contains lactose and can trigger inflammation in the body. Additionally, some individuals may have sensitivities to proteins found in cheese, such as casein or whey, which can further aggravate eczema. It is best to opt for dairy-free alternatives or limit your intake of cheese if you have eczema.


Butter, although it is a dairy product, contains lower levels of lactose compared to milk and cheese. However, it still has the potential to trigger eczema symptoms in sensitive individuals. Some people with eczema find that cutting down on or eliminating butter from their diet can help alleviate their symptoms. Consider substituting butter with non-dairy spreads or oils if you have eczema.


Yogurt, particularly those with added flavors and sweeteners, can be problematic for individuals with eczema. Many commercial yogurts are high in sugar and artificial additives, which can trigger inflammation and worsen eczema symptoms. If you enjoy yogurt, opt for unsweetened varieties or consider dairy-free alternatives made from coconut milk, almond milk, or soy milk, as they may be better tolerated.

Gluten-containing Grains


Wheat and wheat-based products contain gluten, a protein that can cause adverse reactions in some individuals, including those with eczema. Gluten has been linked to increased inflammation in the body and can potentially exacerbate eczema symptoms. Avoiding wheat and gluten-containing foods such as bread, pasta, and baked goods may be beneficial for individuals with eczema.


Barley is another grain that contains gluten and should be avoided if you have eczema. Gluten sensitivity or intolerance can lead to intestinal inflammation, which can indirectly affect the skin and trigger eczema flare-ups. It is important to carefully read food labels and avoid products that contain barley or malt, as they often contain gluten.


Similar to wheat and barley, rye is a grain that contains gluten and can be problematic for individuals with eczema. Many breads, cereals, and baked goods are made from rye flour, making it important to be cautious and opt for gluten-free alternatives if you have eczema.


Spelt is an ancient grain that is closely related to wheat and contains gluten. Although it is considered a healthier alternative to wheat by some, individuals with eczema should exercise caution when consuming spelt products. Like other gluten-containing grains, spelt can trigger inflammation and worsen eczema symptoms in sensitive individuals.

Processed Foods

Packaged Snacks

Packaged snacks often contain high amounts of artificial additives, preservatives, and unhealthy fats, which can exacerbate eczema symptoms. Ingredients such as artificial flavorings, colorings, and trans fats can trigger inflammation in the body and lead to skin irritation. Opt for whole, unprocessed snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, or homemade granola bars to support healthier skin.

Fast Food

Fast food is notorious for its unhealthy nature, high sodium content, and trans fats. These can have negative effects on overall health and potentially worsen eczema symptoms. Consuming fast food regularly may lead to increased inflammation in the body, which can manifest in the form of eczema flare-ups. Opt for homemade meals that include fresh ingredients and lean proteins to support skin health.

Frozen Meals

Frozen meals often contain high levels of sodium, preservatives, and unhealthy additives. These additives and excessive sodium intake can contribute to inflammation in the body and potentially trigger eczema symptoms. To minimize the risk of flare-ups, it is best to opt for freshly prepared meals or homemade frozen meals that have minimal processing and additives.

Canned Foods

Canned foods, such as soups, sauces, and vegetables, often contain preservatives and high levels of sodium. These additives can promote inflammation and worsen eczema symptoms in some individuals. Whenever possible, choose fresh or frozen alternatives over canned foods to reduce the potential risk of triggering eczema flare-ups.

Highly Acidic Foods

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, are highly acidic and may irritate the skin in individuals with eczema. The high acidity of these fruits can disrupt the pH balance of the skin and lead to inflammation and itching. It is best to limit your intake of citrus fruits or opt for low-acid alternatives like berries if you have eczema.


Tomatoes are known for their acidity and may trigger eczema symptoms in some individuals. The high levels of acidity in tomatoes can cause skin irritation and worsen inflammation. If you experience eczema flare-ups after consuming tomatoes, it may be beneficial to limit your consumption or try cooking them before eating, as this can reduce their acidity.


Pineapple is another highly acidic fruit that can potentially aggravate eczema symptoms. The enzymes present in pineapple, such as bromelain, can cause skin irritation and inflammation in sensitive individuals. If you find that pineapples worsen your eczema, it may be best to avoid them or consume them in small quantities.


Pickles are often made using vinegar, which is acidic in nature. The high acidity of pickles can disrupt the pH balance of the skin and potentially lead to skin irritation and eczema flare-ups. If you have eczema, it is recommended to limit your consumption of pickles or consider alternatives such as fermented vegetables that have lower acidity levels.

Nightshade Vegetables


Potatoes are a commonly consumed nightshade vegetable that may impact individuals with eczema. Some people with eczema may find that potatoes worsen their symptoms, potentially due to certain compounds like alkaloids present in nightshade vegetables. It is worth experimenting with elimination or reduction of nightshade vegetables to see if it improves your eczema.


Eggplants, like potatoes, belong to the nightshade family and may aggravate eczema symptoms in some individuals. The compounds found in eggplants, such as solanine, can potentially trigger inflammation and contribute to eczema flare-ups. If you suspect that eggplants are exacerbating your eczema, consider eliminating or minimizing your consumption of them.


Peppers, including bell peppers, chili peppers, and paprika, are part of the nightshade family and may trigger eczema symptoms in certain individuals. These vegetables contain capsaicin, a compound responsible for their spiciness, which can cause skin irritation and inflammation. If you notice that peppers worsen your eczema, it may be best to avoid them or opt for milder alternatives.


Tomatoes, as mentioned earlier, are also part of the nightshade family and can potentially exacerbate eczema symptoms. The compounds present in tomatoes, including solanine, can trigger inflammation and skin irritation in sensitive individuals. If you experience flare-ups after consuming tomatoes, it is advised to reduce or eliminate them from your diet.



Shellfish, particularly shrimp, is a common allergen that may trigger eczema symptoms in some individuals. Shellfish allergies can lead to skin reactions, including rashes, itching, and inflammation. If you suspect that shrimp or other shellfish are exacerbating your eczema, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional and consider eliminating them from your diet.


Similar to shrimp, crab is another shellfish that can potentially worsen eczema symptoms in sensitive individuals. The proteins found in crab can trigger allergic reactions, leading to skin inflammation and irritation. If you have eczema and suspect a shellfish allergy, it is important to avoid crab, along with other shellfish, to help alleviate your symptoms.


Lobster is another shellfish that individuals with eczema should be cautious about consuming. Like shrimp and crab, lobster can contain allergenic proteins that may trigger eczema flare-ups in susceptible individuals. If you have a known or suspected shellfish allergy, it is best to avoid lobster and consult with a healthcare professional.


Scallops, similar to other shellfish, have the potential to worsen eczema symptoms due to allergenic proteins present in them. People with eczema who are sensitive to shellfish should be cautious when consuming scallops or consider eliminating them from their diet altogether. Consulting with a medical professional can help confirm shellfish allergies and guide dietary adjustments.

Food Additives

Artificial Coloring

Artificial food coloring is commonly added to processed foods and beverages to enhance visual appeal. However, these colorings can contain potential allergens or additives that may trigger eczema flare-ups in sensitive individuals. It is advisable to read food labels carefully and avoid products that contain artificial coloring if you have eczema.

Artificial Flavoring

Similar to artificial coloring, artificial flavorings are often added to processed foods and can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. These flavorings may contain chemicals and additives that can trigger allergic reactions and inflammation in some individuals. Opting for foods with natural flavors or cooking homemade meals can help reduce the intake of artificial flavorings.

Preservatives (e.g., BHA, BHT)

Preservatives such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are commonly used in processed foods to prolong their shelf life. However, these additives can potentially trigger eczema symptoms in sensitive individuals. Reading food labels and avoiding products that contain these preservatives can help reduce the risk of flare-ups.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG, commonly used as a flavor enhancer in processed foods, may worsen eczema symptoms for some individuals. MSG has been reported to trigger allergic reactions in certain people, leading to skin inflammation and irritation. It is advisable for individuals with eczema to avoid foods that contain MSG or opt for homemade meals without this additive.

Sugary Foods


Sugary foods like cakes can increase inflammation in the body and potentially exacerbate eczema symptoms. High sugar intake can lead to increased insulin levels, which can contribute to inflammation and skin issues. Limiting the consumption of cakes and opting for healthier dessert options can support better control of eczema.


Just like cakes, cookies are often high in added sugars and unhealthy fats. These ingredients can promote inflammation within the body and potentially worsen eczema symptoms. It is best to consume cookies in moderation or consider healthier alternatives such as homemade cookies using natural sweeteners and healthier fats.


Candy, particularly those with high amounts of artificial flavors and colors, can be problematic for individuals with eczema. The artificial additives and excessive sugar content in candies can increase inflammation and potential skin irritation. Choosing healthier snack options like fresh fruits or homemade snacks can help manage eczema symptoms better.

Sugary Beverages

Sugary beverages, including sodas, fruit juices, and energy drinks, can have detrimental effects on overall health and potentially worsen eczema symptoms. These beverages are typically high in added sugars and can contribute to systemic inflammation. Opting for water, herbal teas, or homemade fruit-infused water can be beneficial for individuals with eczema.

Allergenic Foods


Peanuts are a common allergen that can trigger allergic reactions, including skin rashes and eczema flare-ups. Some individuals with eczema may have peanut allergies or sensitivities that exacerbate their symptoms. It is important to avoid peanuts and products containing peanuts to manage eczema effectively.

Tree Nuts

Tree nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews, can also cause allergic reactions in individuals with eczema. These nuts contain proteins that may trigger inflammation and skin irritation. If you have eczema, it is advisable to avoid tree nuts and products that contain them to minimize the risk of flare-ups.


Soy is a common allergenic food that can trigger eczema symptoms in susceptible individuals. Some people with eczema may have an allergy or sensitivity to soy proteins, leading to skin inflammation and irritation. If you suspect soy is exacerbating your eczema, it is recommended to avoid soy-based products and consult with a healthcare professional.


Eggs are another potential trigger for eczema flare-ups in some individuals. Egg allergies are common, and the proteins found in eggs can cause adverse skin reactions in susceptible individuals. Avoiding eggs and products containing eggs can help reduce the risk of eczema symptoms.


Fish, particularly certain types such as salmon, tuna, and shellfish, can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. These allergic reactions can manifest as eczema flare-ups, including skin rashes and itching. If you have eczema and suspect a fish allergy, it is important to avoid consuming fish and consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance.

Spicy Foods

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers, including jalapenos, habaneros, and chili peppers, can potentially worsen eczema symptoms. The capsaicin present in these peppers can cause skin irritation and inflammation in sensitive individuals. If you notice that spicy foods exacerbate your eczema, it is best to avoid or minimize your consumption of hot peppers.


Curry, a mixture of various spices, can vary in its impact on eczema depending on individual sensitivities. Some individuals with eczema may find that certain spices commonly found in curry blends, such as turmeric or cumin, worsen their symptoms. Experimenting with individual spices and observing their effects on your eczema can help determine which ones to avoid.

Chili Powder

Chili powder, often used as a spice in various dishes, can potentially trigger eczema flare-ups in sensitive individuals. Like other spicy foods, chili powder contains capsaicin, which can cause skin irritation and inflammation. Adjusting the amount of chili powder or opting for milder spices can help manage eczema symptoms better.


Sriracha, a popular hot sauce made from chili peppers, may worsen eczema symptoms for some individuals. The spiciness and capsaicin content in sriracha can potentially trigger skin inflammation and irritation. If you have eczema, it is advisable to limit or avoid the consumption of sriracha to help control your symptoms effectively.

In conclusion, if you have eczema, it is important to be mindful of the foods you consume and how they may impact your symptoms. Dairy products, gluten-containing grains, processed foods, highly acidic foods, nightshade vegetables, shellfish, food additives, sugary foods, allergenic foods, and spicy foods are among the categories of foods that may trigger or worsen eczema symptoms for some individuals. By identifying and avoiding these potential triggers, you can help manage your eczema and promote healthier skin. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized advice and guidance on dietary modifications to support your eczema management. Remember, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet overall is crucial for overall health and well-being, regardless of eczema.