What Makes Eczema Go Away?

Are you tired of dealing with the discomfort and frustration caused by eczema? If so, you’re not alone. Eczema is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leaving them searching for answers on how to make it go away. Fortunately, there are various factors and remedies that can help alleviate eczema symptoms and provide relief. Whether it’s understanding triggers, implementing proper skincare routines, or exploring medical treatments, finding what works for you can ultimately lead to the relief you’ve been longing for.

Understanding Eczema


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition characterized by red, inflamed, and itchy skin. It often appears in patches on the face, hands, feet, elbows, and behind the knees. Eczema is not contagious and can vary in severity from mild to severe.


The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. People with a family history of eczema, allergies, or asthma are more likely to develop the condition. Environmental triggers such as certain fabrics, soaps, detergents, pet dander, pollen, and extremes of temperature can also contribute to flare-ups.


The symptoms of eczema can vary from person to person, but common symptoms include dry and sensitive skin, severe itching, redness, inflammation, rash, and oozing blisters. The constant itching can lead to scratching, which further damages the skin and increases the risk of infection.

Treatment Options

Topical Steroids

Topical steroids are commonly prescribed for eczema treatment. These medications work by reducing inflammation and itching, providing relief for the affected areas. They come in various strengths and forms, including creams, ointments, and lotions, and should be used as directed by your doctor.


Moisturizers are an essential part of managing eczema. Applying a good quality, fragrance-free moisturizer multiple times a day helps to keep the skin hydrated and prevent dryness. Moisturizers create a barrier on the skin, reducing water loss and protecting it from irritants.


Antihistamines can help relieve the itching associated with eczema by blocking the action of histamines, which are released during an allergic reaction. They can be taken orally or applied topically in the form of creams or ointments. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable antihistamine for your specific needs.


In cases of severe eczema that does not respond well to other treatments, immunosuppressant medications may be prescribed. These drugs work by suppressing the immune system, reducing inflammation, and preventing further damage to the skin. However, they come with potential side effects and should be used under close medical supervision.

Wet Dressings

Wet dressings involve wrapping the affected areas of the skin in wet bandages or clothing to help soothe and hydrate the skin. This technique can be particularly beneficial for severe eczema or during flare-ups. Wet dressings can be applied for short periods of time under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


Phototherapy, also known as light therapy, involves exposing the skin to specific wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light. This treatment can help reduce inflammation, itching, and bacteria on the skin. It is typically administered under medical supervision and may require several sessions to achieve desired results.

Lifestyle Changes

Identifying Triggers

One key aspect of managing eczema is identifying and avoiding triggers that can lead to flare-ups. By keeping a journal and noting any patterns or common factors that coincide with flare-ups, you can identify triggers such as certain foods, detergents, fabrics, or environmental factors. Minimizing exposure to these triggers can help prevent future outbreaks.

Proper Skin Care

Proper skin care plays a vital role in managing eczema. It is important to use gentle, fragrance-free cleansers and moisturizers that do not contain harsh chemicals or irritants. Avoiding hot water, excessive bathing, and harsh scrubbing can also help maintain the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

Dietary Changes

In some cases, certain foods may trigger or worsen eczema symptoms. Keeping a food diary can help identify potential food triggers. Common culprits include dairy products, eggs, gluten, and nuts. If you suspect a particular food is exacerbating your eczema, consider eliminating it from your diet for a period of time to see if symptoms improve.

Managing Stress

Stress can worsen eczema symptoms or trigger flare-ups. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness meditation, can help reduce the impact of stress on your skin. Engaging in activities you enjoy, spending time with loved ones, and seeking support from a therapist or support group can also be beneficial.

Natural Remedies

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has long been recognized for its soothing properties. Applying pure aloe vera gel directly to the affected areas can help reduce inflammation, itchiness, and redness. Look for products that are free of fragrances, additives, and preservatives to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help hydrate the skin and reduce dryness associated with eczema. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also provide relief from itching and inflammation. Apply organic, unrefined coconut oil to the affected areas and gently massage it into the skin.

Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal baths can provide relief for itchy and inflamed skin. Colloidal oatmeal, which is finely ground oatmeal, can be added to lukewarm bathwater. Soaking in this mixture for about 15-20 minutes can help soothe irritated skin and reduce itching.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is derived from the seeds of the evening primrose plant and contains fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation. Consuming evening primrose oil supplements or applying evening primrose oil topically may help alleviate eczema symptoms. However, consult with a healthcare professional for proper dosage and usage instructions.


Honey possesses natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective remedy for eczema. Applying raw honey to the affected areas can help soothe the skin, reduce redness, and promote healing. However, it is important to ensure you are not allergic to honey before using it topically.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is commonly used to nourish and moisturize the skin. Applying vitamin E oil or creams containing vitamin E to the affected areas can help reduce itchiness and promote healing. Ensure that the vitamin E product is pure and free of additives or fragrances to minimize the risk of skin irritation.

Prescription Medications

Corticosteroid Creams

Corticosteroid creams are a common form of prescription medication used to manage eczema. These creams contain synthetic corticosteroids that help reduce inflammation, itching, and redness. They are available in different strengths and should be used as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Calcineurin Inhibitors

Calcineurin inhibitors are topical medications that work by suppressing the immune system’s response, thereby reducing inflammation. They are often prescribed for eczema that does not respond well to other treatments or for sensitive areas of the skin, such as the face or neck.

PDE4 Inhibitors

PDE4 inhibitors are a newer class of prescription medication that work by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), which plays a role in inflammation. These medications help reduce inflammation and itching associated with eczema and are available in topical or oral forms.

Biologic Drugs

Biologic drugs are a type of medication that target specific parts of the immune system involved in the development of eczema. They are typically reserved for severe cases of eczema that do not respond well to other treatments. Biologic drugs are administered via injection or infusion and require close medical monitoring.



Tofacitinib is an immunomodulator that is commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but it has also shown promising results in the treatment of moderate to severe eczema. It works by inhibiting certain enzymes involved in the immune response, reducing inflammation and improving eczema symptoms.


Methotrexate is an immunomodulatory medication that can help reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system. It is often prescribed for severe eczema that does not respond to other treatments. Methotrexate should only be taken under the close supervision of a healthcare professional due to potential side effects.


Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant medication that can be effective in treating severe cases of eczema. It works by suppressing the immune system, reducing inflammation, and improving symptoms. Close monitoring is necessary due to potential side effects, and it should only be used for short periods of time.


Dupilumab is a biologic medication that blocks certain proteins involved in the immune response. It has been approved for the treatment of moderate to severe eczema in both adults and children. Dupilumab is administered through injection, and its effectiveness and safety should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Avoiding Triggers


Avoiding irritants is essential for preventing eczema flare-ups. Common irritants include harsh soaps, detergents, fragrances, and certain fabrics. Opt for mild, fragrance-free products and choose clothing made from natural, breathable materials such as cotton or silk.


Allergens can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms in some individuals. Common allergens include pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and certain foods. Minimizing exposure to these allergens, such as keeping pets out of the bedroom or using allergy-proof bedding, can help reduce the risk of eczema flare-ups.

Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can aggravate eczema symptoms. Exposure to hot weather, cold weather, or excessively dry environments can lead to increased dryness, itching, and inflammation. Protecting the skin with appropriate clothing, moisturizer, and avoiding sudden temperature changes can help manage eczema in these situations.

Managing Stress

Relaxation Techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques can help reduce stress levels and improve eczema symptoms. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can all be effective techniques for managing stress and promoting overall well-being.


Sometimes, managing stress may require professional assistance. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or stress management counseling, can provide tools and strategies for coping with stress and improving mental well-being. A therapist can help address the emotional impact of living with eczema and provide support.


Regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels and boost mood. Engaging in physical activities that you enjoy, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, can help distract from eczema-related worries and stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers.

Dietary Changes

Elimination Diets

Elimination diets involve temporarily removing certain foods from your diet to determine if they are triggering eczema flare-ups. Common culprits include dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, and nuts. If you suspect a specific food is aggravating your eczema, consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to create a personalized elimination diet plan.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce eczema symptoms. Including foods rich in omega-3s, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, in your diet can potentially improve your skin’s condition. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.


Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help support a healthy gut microbiome. Some studies suggest that a healthy gut may contribute to improved eczema symptoms. Adding probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, or taking probiotic supplements, may have a positive impact on eczema management. Discuss with a healthcare professional for guidance.

Preventing Flare-Ups

Avoid Scratching

While it may be difficult to resist the urge to scratch, prolonged scratching can worsen eczema symptoms and damage the skin. Keep nails short, wear gloves at night if necessary, and find alternative ways to soothe the itchiness, such as applying a cold compress or using over-the-counter itch relief products.

Keep Skin Moisturized

Consistently moisturizing the skin is crucial for preventing eczema flare-ups. Apply a hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturizer immediately after bathing and throughout the day. Moisturizers help lock in moisture and create a protective barrier, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation.

Avoid Triggers

Identifying and avoiding triggers that have previously caused flare-ups is essential for preventing future incidents. By recognizing specific triggers, such as certain fabrics, detergents, or environmental factors, you can take proactive measures to minimize exposure and reduce the likelihood of eczema flare-ups.

Wear Appropriate Clothing

Choosing soft, breathable, and non-irritating clothing can make a significant difference in managing eczema. Opt for natural fabrics like cotton or silk, which allow the skin to breathe, and avoid tight-fitting or scratchy materials. Be mindful of the weather and dress accordingly to prevent excess sweating or exposure to extreme temperatures.

In conclusion, understanding eczema involves recognizing its definition, understanding its causes, and identifying its symptoms. Treatment options range from topical steroids and moisturizers to antihistamines and immunosuppressants. Lifestyle changes, such as identifying triggers, practicing proper skin care, making dietary adjustments, and managing stress, can play a significant role in managing the condition. Natural remedies like aloe vera, coconut oil, oatmeal baths, evening primrose oil, honey, and vitamin E may offer relief. Prescription medications and immunomodulators, including corticosteroid creams, calcineurin inhibitors, PDE4 inhibitors, biologic drugs, tofacitinib, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and dupilumab, may be necessary for severe cases. Avoiding triggers, managing stress through relaxation techniques, therapy, and exercise, adopting dietary changes, and preventing flare-ups through proper care and appropriate clothing can help individuals effectively cope with eczema. By implementing a holistic approach, individuals with eczema can improve their quality of life and find relief from its symptoms.